سیاست‌گذاری آذربایجان در حوزه جوانان و دیپلماسی ورزشی



وزارت جوانان و ورزش جمهوری آذربایجان، سازمان‌های متولی امور جوانان در منطقه آسیای جنوب غربی است. این مسئله از ابتدای هزاره سوم با تمرکز بر سیاست‌گذاری جوانان و دیپلماسی ورزشی پیگیری شده و با عضویت آذربایجان در شورای اروپا به‌عنوان یکی از سازمان‌های بین‌المللی پیشرو در حوزه سیاست جوانان، برنامه همکاری شرقی اتحادیه اروپا در حوزه جوانان، عضویت در مجمع جوانان اروپا و معرفی شهر گنجه به‌عنوان پایتخت جوانان اروپا توسط این مجمع، برگزاری اولین اجلاس جهانی سیاست‌های جوانان، تشکیل اتحادیه بین¬المللی جوانان جاده ابریشم، برگزاری بازی‌های المپیک اروپایی، اجلاس وزرای ورزش و تربیت‌بدنی کشورهای جهان زیر نظر یونسکو و... در سطح منطقه‌ای و بین‌المللی تداوم‌یافته است. براین اساس، این مقاله با ارزیابی عملکرد وزارت جوانان و ورزش آذربایجان، تلاش دارد تا به این سؤال پاسخ دهد که مهم‌ترین دلایل موفقیت جمهوری آذربایجان در حوزه جوانان و ورزش چه بوده است؟

Azerbaijan's politics in the field of youth and sports diplomacy

Hamidreza Haddadi

Mehdi Javadani Moghadam


The Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Azerbaijan is an organizations in charge of youth. This issue has been pursued since the beginning of the third millennium with a focus on youth policy and sports diplomacy and with Azerbaijan's membership in the Council of Europe as one of the leading international organizations in the field of youth policy, the Eastern Cooperation Program of the European Union in the field of youth, and membership in the European Youth Forum. and introducing the city of Ganja as the European youth capital by this forum, holding the first world summit of youth policies, forming the Silk Road International Youth Union, holding the European Olympic Games, meetings of the ministers of sports and physical education of the world countries under the supervision of UNESCO, etc. The regional and international level has continued. Based on this, this article, by evaluating the performance of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Azerbaijan, tries to answer the question of what are the most important reasons for the success of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the field of youth and sports?

Key words: Ministry of Sports and Youth, youth policy, sports diplomacy, Republic of Azerbaijan, Iran


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 - State of youth policy (2014) http://www.youthpolicy.org

- The State of Youth in Azerbaijan (2007), UNESCO Moscow Office

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Evaluation of performance of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of

Republic of Azerbaijan and its experiences for Iran

Hamidreza Haddadi

M.A in International Relations, Researcher about Youth and Sport, Tehran, Iran

Mahdi Javdani Moqaddm

Assistance Professor, Department of International Relation, Qom Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qom, Iran.

The Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Azerbaijan is one of the most successful youth affairs organizations in the South West Asia region. This issue has been tracked since the beginning of the third millennium, focusing on youth policy and sports diplomacy, so Azerbaijan in the regional and international level participate in Youth and Sport Forums i.e. Council of Europe as one of the leading international youth organizations, the Eastern Partnership Program for Youth in the European Union, the membership of the European Youth Forum and the introduction of the city of Ganja as the youth capital of Europe by the Assembly, holding the first summit The Global Youth Policy, the creation of Great Silk Way International Youth Union, the European Olympic Games, etc. Accordingly, this paper, by evaluating the performance of the Azerbaijani Ministry of Youth and Sports, attempts to answer this question, what are the main reasons for the success of Azerbaijan in the field of youth and sports, and how can the Islamic Republic of Iran be able to draw from its experience in Youth policy and sports diplomacy?

Key words: Ministry of Youth and Sports, Youth Policy, Sport Diplomacy, Republic of Azerbaijan, Iran.
